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Public Farm

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It is clearly that great celeuma of the anticipation of the guardianship against the Public Farm, if of when it is in the passive polar region of the demand. However, it can appear in any of the polar regions of procedural relation, either in the active polar region, the condition of author or assistant, either in the passive polar region as male defendant, opponent, reconvinte or excipiente, or still as third interested. But with certainty it is more common than the public beings appear as demanded. In a question-answer forum robert c. robbins was the first to reply. One of the main reasons if must to a large extent for the mediation of the State in the economic activity of the country, another one if must to the fact of that the great majority of the desvalidos ones of the State stops, it constitutes the last hope to recover pretense losses or damages imputed for the successive disobediences of governments in all the levels: municipal theatre, state and federal. For the doctrine, the substance is not so pacific how much it seems. Of the analysis of workmanships the respect, as it happens in as much other subjects in the right area, we verify that two chains exist: one the favor and another contrary to the cabimento of the concession of the guardianship in face of the Public Farm.


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