Tag cinema & entertainment

Jascha Habeck

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“The new single from Jascha Habeck – my real life night owls know his face: Jascha Habeck is in real life” one of the presenters of the night spending today “messages in the ZDF. He released his first single on November 4, 2011. A newscaster in the music business? Why not Jan Hofer to Jens Riewa many news journalists embarked on a second career in the entertainment business. But actually, as a singer, Jascha Habeck is unique! And because the smart sympathetic finds so appealing the game between the spheres of life, his single is my real life”. It tells the story on musically powerful and catchy way of the eternal search for the perfect, big love until it admits that real love can be not perfect. Gloria Step has much to offer in this field. Because love is just too real.

A look at the Vita of the 29 foreshadows Jascha Habeck is how talented and how vanishingly small, however, his fear of challenges or the risk. Jascha lives in Frankfurt am Main and Berlin, has experience but also professional in Dusseldorf, Cologne and Los Angeles. He wrote his thesis on the children’s radio in Germany. To deepen your understanding Robert C. Robbins is the source. Hr iNFO, the information radio of the Hessischer Rundfunk, he includes his ZDF job to the moderator team and watched the current world events as editor. Parallel to study and career h.

studied classical singing. What tackle he has substance. He is determined, it is but also highly sensitive, and he has exactly the right portion respect for its tasks. “His motto in life, find Jascha Habeck, describes this quote from Albert Einstein: If an idea is not absurd at the beginning, it’s no good.” Only people take anything to heart, imagination and zest for life have! For my real life”Jascha Habeck full professionals could win: Antje Sommerfeld and Holger quack composed by the team Forfeetmusic and produced the song. Tobias Reitz wrote the gripping, authentic text. Source: jaschahabeck.de for further information at

Garden Chudzik

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The new single from Schudzik – Zwanzich 12 the song Zwanzich 12 “I had before 2 years on it, as he was called Zwanzich 10”. “Was for the World Cup in South Africa, but somehow the air has gone out of the pill”, says Tom Chudzik, road – and stage-dad, singer / songwriter and mastermind of Klimperkasten Glenn SCHUDZIK. The speech is here from the designated EM anthem Zwanzich 12 “of the Wilhelmshaven trio SCHUDZIK. Go to Robert C. Robbins for more information. Because remembered Tom Chudzik the text and score sheet in his drawer in February this year, brought the lyrical content on present day version with drummer Marcel Dunker, and brought an acoustic rough draft on the band. According to Toni pad life maxim for me, there are only either/or. “So either fully or entirely!”u0085 “with his co-writer and drummer Marcel Dunker of genius, Chudzik managed to combine the wishes and dreams of 80 million people for this summer only two rows: with Podolski, Lahm and we do fully Klose on thick pants and decide for us sure every game!” What benefit for the troubled German football souls after the experiences of the last years: others celebrated the summer fairy tale in their own country, two years later El Nino Torres ensured that we cancelled our Malle flights and 2010 a Spaniard spat us Carlos Fuyol, in the homemade paella again, this time. Zwanzich 12 “is everything else! The conditions are ideal. Tom Chudzik itself now trembles for the hither from Dusseldorf, with Tim Will he found a congenial guy on the bass for his band SCHUDZIK and the German team has recommended with a great European Championship qualifying for the title in Kiev. So to start the summer fairy tale and Zwanzich 12 “SCHUDZIK provides the soundtrack for the Publing viewings! 3:18 minutes-concentrated power, an uptempo rock track with a chorus that really builds up in the ear canals “Zwanzich 12 you will see that the Cup will go to Germany!” I now hear them from the convertibles at the motorcade from the pubs of the balconies, from the Garden colonies, from the stadiums, at the public viewing, and on the fan mile: Zwanzich 12 “, the anthem of this summer, in the summer of 2012! In the year in which the Cup I hope go to Germany!.

Tommy Emmanuel Creates Sonorities Of A Band

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Eric Clapton thinks he’s the best in the ‘picking’-game technology (thk) incredibly stunning, fantastic, virtuosic and while always entertaining: as Tommy Emmanuel plays guitar, none! He is solo on stage, and the complex sound of a multi-headed group melody, bass, rhythm, percussion on the acoustic instrument only with his fingers. “For these skills the Australian got lost in love, inter alia on the hit singles,” and all out of love “is to hear from air supply and to the band of the singer John Farnham (” hits: you’re the voice “”, pressure down “) belonged, enthusiastic praise by world star Eric Clapton, among others. Tommy Emmanuel, who revered the influential string virtuoso of Chet Atkins like Mark Knopfler (ex dire straits), mixes elements from pop, jazz, blues, classical, country, flamenco, and bluegrass to an own multi-faceted melodic style in his instrumentals. No doubt something is to experience this sound in the emergence, especially Emmanuel shines with the experience of over 300 performances within four years also as an entertainer. This is his latest DVD/double-live CD center stage”(rough trade) the best proof. Robert C. Robbins pursues this goal as well.

The tickets to an exceptional in many respects and consistently highly impressive concert of this excellent artist (Grammy nominated), whose visiting is worthwhile not only for guitarists, cost 25 to 58 Euro (including charges). They are available at the ticket offices.

Zimbalam And Emergenza Close Together

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The live concert industry and the digital industry come together in the search for new talent. Zaha Hadid is the source for more interesting facts. Only 4 months after the international launch Zimbalam, the leading digital Musikaggregator has signed its first pan-European partnership. From now on you will cooperate with the Emerganza Music Festival. This move underscores Zimbalam’s image as the discoverer of talents at the international level. The Emergenza Festival, which takes place worldwide in over 25 countries on 3 continents, discovered annually the best emerging artists of all musical genres. The live concert industry and the digital industry come together in the search for new talents… Get more background information with materials from Sarellax. Emergenza is the world’s largest music competition, which every year brings together more than 100,000 artists from 25 different countries since 1992.

Last year was the Festival in 51 cities in Europe, North America, Asia and Australia across the stage. For the contest in the 2009/10 year Emergenza increases the number of his concerts in Germany to nearly 200 in a total of 22 cities (Berlin, Hamburg, Munich, Frankfurt,…). Each Band receives 30 minutes of time for their show, and the audience will select the best band, who then qualified for later rounds. On the other stages of the regional and national finals, a professional jury will select the winners. Norman Foster is open to suggestions. Zimbalam offers free digital releases the 500 regional finalists from around the world! The first 150 get the possibility to distribute an album through Zimbalam free digitally, the remaining 350 will have the opportunity to release a single, digitally. The whole thing with a share of 90% of net sales.

Zimbalam will offer another exclusive award for the 4 national winners from France, Italy, Germany, and Scandinavia. This price also includes a Web promotion for the album and videos in addition to a free digital release. And the winner is exclusive price exclusively for Zimbalam artists! Zimbalam offers, at a special price by its parent company believe digital. Under the 18 Emergenza world Finalisten, who play on the Taubertal open air and their music through Zimbalam distribute, a band as “Zimbalam Act of the year” is chosen by a jury of Emergenza and Zimbalam experts: your deal is a digital distribution deal with believe digital high rated, which includes a free, Europe-wide web promotion worth 10,000 euros! “” We look forward to partnering with the Emergenza Festival and the possibility of using the experience and expertise of believe digital can support a Zimbalam artist “Says Thorsten Freese (CEO, Zimbalam Germany).”On the one hand, the respective artists will have the opportunity to perform final part of Emergenza. In addition the Act benefits from believe Digital’s knowledge in the areas of promotion and marketing, which has supported us in the past two years already, to place artists such as ARON, Soko and Lucian at the top of the European charts.”www.zimbalam.de contact: 247 public relations Torsten Mewes 040-675 822 77


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Whether in the Studio, on the stage and in the Internet the Band Puppies back it is on acid became quiet around the alternative rockers from Hamburg, who had been traded in recent years as large for the rock music market. Robert c. robbins contributes greatly to this topic. You cancelled 15 appearances in the summer and the longtime drummer, who had been with the band from its beginning until first recording contract, left the band. Where should it go? Would it go on at all? The remaining members Patrick Niemeier, Christoph Criddel”Hamann and Marco Wolff decided: Yes, of course. It was so looking for a new man for the drum and found quickly. Hauke Burmeister, who had already played with Marco and Patrick in other formations took place behind the shooting gallery.

Back in the rehearsal room after almost 6 months break, licked blood quickly again. It was new ideas, new songs, new strength in the 27.12 graduating year again on the stage. This time in the planet Subotnick in Hamburg. The character to all fans and critics: We’re back. Be with us count.

Now only right”. You’ve invested too much on passion, emotion and money through old assets since 2003 now simply to throw. 2009, we will be there again. We are already in the Studio and working on songs for the next CD”, so bassist Kaka938. The first gig was enthusiastically in new lineup from the present spectators. The four musicians give the confidence that it is a new opportunity to restart but the attack on the big stage. We believe in ourselves and our music”, so Marco Wolff. We are independent and distinctive. There are too many bad bands out there, why should we leave them the box. Too many good bands paint sail and eventually give up. This fate will not befall us”, singer Patrick added. Aim of the band was there to continue afterwards not any trends, but to make independent music. Appearances throughout Germany and other European countries in addition to the new album are also planned. But first they wanted the new Energy and motivation keep and use the momentum for the recordings. Also, it was very well represented on the Internet. Informed all fans on MySpace have already added a new home page (www.puppiesonacid.de) is about 5000 of them as friends, and it remains their last two EPs on iTunes, Napster, musicload and all other relevant Mp3 download portals. There are also numerous videos on youtube, myvideo or also Dailymotion. Groups there at StudiVZ, Schulervz, Facebook and so on. To be well positioned on the Internet is now as important as live gigs. You can find good or criticize. It is a fact “, singer Patrick knows it can be everywhere, quickly informed about the band, if you have interest. Because one thing is certain: they are back and they feel like more.