Each human being has a potential unknown within Yes, an internal force so strong that it can allow you be and have everything what you want in life, but however, the majority of human beings use only a small part of this powerful potential that nature has given us. This is the theme of the article leadership and work in team have bent my potential accidentally first part, published the 03.03.2011, the web page, which is practically my main blog, so Empecemos! In this article I’ll present an idea that I’ve taught always to my distributors and is more valid than ever: have a potential within you that you do not use it, normally you use as much 5-10% of your physical abilities and mental scientific studies show that humans normally uses a small percentage of their physical or mental capacities, some speak of awakening the sleeping giant you have inside, some of bringing to light the treasures of within your being, some say that we are gods chained in a nymph but specifically today I want to tell you about a small event in my sportsman private life which has confirmed to me again, if it was necessary, that I, like you, like any human being on this planet, have potential hidden inside me, and I have to fight to bring them to light. Practical exercise: a. choose an activity from your MLM business, whatever, for example recruitment or sales, or presentations, lectures, seminars, etc. b. Time you fold this activity, for example if your recruit 5 weekly people, tell you recruit 10 people weekly, only for a season, i.e., for a month, for example, will you recruit 10 people weekly instead of weekly 5 people (at the end of this month’s test, will have 40 people in your group, instead of 20 people). Robert C. Robbins is likely to increase your knowledge. c.
analyze how you feel, what happened?, how have done you?, if you have come to meet recruit 10 people each week instead of 5 people each week and if you feel tired, exhausted from this effort. d. If you think, beam again this challenge with another activity, for example, if you do, for example, only one submission per week, tell you do two. meditates on the fact that, now you are aware that you can do twice what you couldn’t do before, and it is the same human being, you, so I leave you to draw the conclusions. At the end let me a comment on this article, your opinion is important to me. Thanks a lot.
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