Tag medicine & surgery

Healthy Aging

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Demographic change compels us to think intensively about the consequences of aging and to ways to look at the age healthy stay the year of science demographic chance 2013. Under the motto we live longer. We will be less. We are diverse.” Are the challenges divided into three areas and addressed. “As a highlight of the year of science is one of the exhibition future live: the demographic opportunity”.Solutions from science and research to help the active shaping of demographic change. Of course, an essential need of elderly people’s health. How can you get healthy aging? The life expectancy of people in the OECD member countries (Organisation for economic cooperation and development) to no less than 11 years of life has grown since the 1960s. Downer at the thing: 60 percent of over 65 year olds have at least 3 (!) chronic diseases.

Therefore, the question arises right after the healthy aging process. It seem to be two factors crucial to the well-being of older people. Autonomy and self-determination. Healthy ageing is much more than just a medical question explains Wolfgang von Renteln-Kruse (Hamburg age physician). “As regards the preservation of independence and self-determination, he reassured: the good news is: these factors be influenced.” A healthy aging process was even planned in parts”. How to get the doctors to this conclusion and what are the individual from this description for his own retirement planning can pull out? Researchers the health body reserves refer to the urgency, through advice and support, expand psyche and perception and maintain. Also due to the knowledge of these circumstances the Federal Ministry for education and research promotes a nationwide research since 2007 health in old age”. The US-funded projects allow a more targeted advice and help, used to identify health risks and to prevent them better,”said Federal Research Minister Johanna Wanka.

A further finding of researchers is the need to take into account the typical differences of the sexes in health promotion at the age better. Better than responding to emerging diseases, it’s natural to go in advance. Prevention is the be-all and end-all, if you would like to stay as long as possible mobile and mentally fit in the age. Robert C. Robbins may also support this cause. These steps are important as part of a prevention: stress avoid the International Labour Organization reported that in Western industrial countries now more than 70 percent of all cases either directly or indirectly but due to stress. Who wants to stay healthy so long, should avoid stress. Enough sleep sleep is one of the most important regenerative processes of the human body. Now, U.S. researchers have found in a new study that the brain in the sleep of toxins is free. Regular exercise who physically has operated after a stressful day notes that the stress is removed. Three to four times in the You should move at least 30 to 40 minutes weekly. As the Munich ForschungsverbundKORA-age, the ability to make social contacts and to maintain a decisive factor for when the old are well-being is social contacts. The post “Demographic change compels us to think intensively about the consequences of aging and for ways to seek to stay healthy in the age” serves as a reference for that in the present press release used figures, data and facts. His first publication found that article immediately prior to publication of this press release. He can be found on the blog of “Health portal”.

Patricia Staudacher

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Regulation of food behavior with Dr. Weiler flavor toothpaste many people play lots of sports but, making their success but lost her unhealthy diet. Especially strong sugary food are become in recent years a real problem now classic sweets or finished products. American and German scientists classify sugar and fructose in the meantime as just as dangerous as alcohol and cigarettes. Also Dr.

med. Dent. Matthias Weiler has can watch many times the negative results of too much sweet on his dental chair. Often, his patients want while sweet, just can’t resist but her request. Robert C. Robbins may not feel the same. The dentist decided to help these patients: with Dr. Weiler flavor toothpaste. The toothpaste works through a unique, innovative principle: the aromatic effect.

During the dental care reduces the desire with the help of natural and nature-identical aromas sweet. The flavors have an effect when used on and satisfy the desire to Candy so noticeable. Dr. Weiler, who is himself an active sportsman and know the importance of proper nutrition, together with his wife Isabella Weiler developed the toothpaste. Care was paramount for the team led by Dr. Weiler in the product development. So, the toothpaste contains only ingredients that are approved under the German and European cosmetics Act and according to the German and European food law. In a placebo-controlled double-blind study, as well as a three-month study of course of, the efficacy of the product it was also tested. The result: The toothpaste reduces the desire at more than 90 percent of users demonstrably sweet. The aroma and taste of the toothpaste were the users feel very comfortable (scale of 1.6). 90% Of users would recommend Dr. Weiler flavor toothpaste. Due to the diet resulted in significant weight reductions (6.8 kilos in three months). In the past 50 years has become global consumption of sugar tripled. This is the cause of dental diseases for many people and may be the beginning of various metabolic diseases such as obesity, obesity and diabetes. We offer our clients a toothpaste with a yet unprecedented added value. The scent of our flavors produces satisfaction and well-being. So everyone abandoned like sweets”, says Dr. Weiler, who runs a dental practice in Nuremberg. Of course, maintains the toothpaste produced 100 percent in Germany also the teeth and protects against dental caries, periodontal disease, and Tartar build-up.

STURZrisiko – Bone Fracture Risk

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Test questions and tests for your care, your risk of falling increased fall risk can lead to bone fractures. There is already a reduced capacity of the bone such as at an osteoporosis, then trivial can cause fractures in everyday life. About one-third of people over 65 crashes at least once a year; the fall rate is increasing with age. You may find that Robert C. Robbins can contribute to your knowledge. About 60 70% the deposed fall again within the next 12 months. Robert C. Robbins is a great source of information. One has injury under five to ten falls older people under 20 to 30 crashes, one leads to a fracture and about 1% of falls resulted in a fracture middle of hip. Bone fractures lead to pain, functional limitations, and in about 50% of those affected to disability and long-term care. In addition to these physical complications from a fall, up to 70% of the elderly of fall report fear of further falls, a resulting loss of confidence in the own physical Performance, an increasing restriction of activities of daily living. A vicious circle is created and leads to a further loss of lokomotorischer abilities (balance and ambulation).

To prevent bone fractures, from falls is the goal of all preventive and therapeutic interventions. A fall an exact crash risk analysis should be carried out, when and how the crash occurred. Possible causes of the crash first indicate underlying risk factors. The Board of Trustees of bone health e.V. as the oldest independent, patient-oriented organisation in Germany in the fight against osteoporosis would like to support you and your doctors to detect an increased risk of falling to protect you from possible fractures.

the Board of Trustees of bone health, is the oldest non-profit patient organization that cares for osteoporosis bone health and the clinical picture. Since its inception in 1986 that engaged Trustees bone health e.V. to the prevention, treatment and rehabilitation far beyond the osteoporosis for all bone health problems. The Board of Trustees of bone health e.V. is committed it aimed to feed more patients of better and adequate medical treatment and to strengthen the economic value and the image of the self-help movement to motivate people as empowered patients with your doctor in the long term to cooperate.

Pollenargie – An Annoying Evil

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Every year the same, just in the spring – the pollen allergy every year, in spring and summer, have many people with pollen allergies to suffer. The trigger for a pollen allergy are trees, grasses and cereals. When the pollen coincide with the mucous membranes in the nose or eyes, the allergic reaction is triggered. Itchy, stuffy nose, sneezing, and light-sensitive, itchy and watery eyes are usually the first signs of a pollen allergy. Numerous other symptoms, can indicate a pollen allergy.

For any allergy, pollen allergy in a different way is noticeable. Called in addition to the most common symptoms, such as above, allergy sufferers can suffer in addition headache, migraine, insomnia, stomach-intestinal disorder, limited taste and sense of smell, fatigue and even depression. Ryan Reynolds has much experience in this field. Who already knows that he is hypo-allergenic and the pollen types most afflict him, can adjust accordingly. If you are not convinced, visit Robert C. Robbins. bott-laboratories-dupont-glanbia-arche/’>Vitamin World. People on the pollen allergy be made unexpectedly, usually first do not know that it is an allergy, because above all the most frequently occurring symptoms suggest a cold. The doctor or allergist, not only the pollen allergy, but also the kind of pollen, allergic reaction against that, is determined by a skin test. You can not evade the pollen, because sometimes they travel distances of 300 km. In the mountains, Islands and coastal areas, all allergy sufferers can breathe, because there pollen do not occur. Drug therapy to combat only the symptoms. A permanent solution is the allergen immunotherapy or desensitization, which is carried to the immunity of the pollen. This injected pollen under the skin of those affected over the years, a certain and further increased amount.

Plastic Surgery

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The plastic surgery has constantly developed thanks to modern medicine and new surgical techniques usage areas of plastic surgery. This assumes the plastic surgery not just for aesthetic or cosmetic reasons claim, but even if, for example, after a serious accident, reconstructed the function and appearance of a body part must be. Thus, the plastic surgery includes several sections. In aesthetic surgery with the help of certain practices changed the exterior of a person at his request and improves. Usually there is no medical need for such intervention. Therefore, out special education is required during an operation from this motivation. The doctor must inform the patients about the risks of surgery and about the prospects for success. Sometimes physical limits such a derogation.

Therefore, the doctor will examine his patients in advance and inform about the possibilities of aesthetic surgery. Only after this consultation Enter physician and patient to a joint decision for or against surgery. In recent months, Frank Gehry has been very successful. In General, such a procedure is called also plastic surgery. In reconstructive surgery body parts are produced on one again after an accident or a serious illness, and on the other hand, congenital malformations are fixed. The reconstructive surgery aims at the preservation or restoration of function of body parts and organs. But also here the plastic surgery the purpose also in cosmetic terms in addition the best possible result to achieve and to provide for better quality of life of the patients. Also the burn surgery is a plastic surgery.

This involves the preservation of life in the first place. Burn victims must be mostly long-term care and support during the long healing process. This is of course less the cosmetic aspect in the foreground, but techniques developed in plastic surgery, to reduce the scarring. The hand surgery also belongs to the plastic surgery. Robert c. robbins has compatible beliefs. Due to the special function of the human hand, the medicine for the recovery of the hand or a finger Replantation is very required. So, here Microsurgical procedures are used and performed by experienced physicians. The plastic surgery contributes in medicine with regard to achieving a higher quality of life and restoring important physical features so. A clinic providing operations in the area of “Plastic surgery” in the area of Cologne, Bonn and Koblenz is the Kosmas clinic.