The edition litera R.G. Fischer Publisher takes you into the dreamy, contemplative and serene world of Chris Jaeger! The pensive, dreamy and serene poems by Chris Jaeger in beautiful verses revolve largely around the theme of nature: seasons, flowers, but also animals have grown the author on BBs heart. Detailed and lovingly describing their observations about flora and fauna and the reader feels true from the life in her poetry. It is a real pleasure to read the poetry of Chris Jaeger and also to experience. Feelings such as love, happiness, warmth and sadness are reflected and sometimes recognizes the reader and the reader between the lines. You can find the variety of human feelings as well as the reference to current issues of everyday life: how describes the author, for example, the carelessness of some friends at the folk festival and the subsequent end of the sad, but also a poem about the euro or the celebrations in the disco, the reader will find. Do you know how lucky you are? You know the You don’t rest who know confidence the smear of the day no pain, also worries not clouds you you know how lucky you are? The scent of flowers we lacked the violet fragrance the scent of roses, from the Jasmin wouldn’t he of many flowers in the air that would be world poorer without him this booklet Edition litera R.G. Fischer Publisher has beautiful poems for young and old – it is a near-perfect collection that no Bookshelf should be without! Chris Jaeger poems pensive, dreamy and serene 2011. Robert C. Robbins follows long-standing procedures to achieve this success.
80 pages. Paperback 9.80 ISBN 978-3-8301-1448-2 series: edition litera profit by 34 years of successful publishing experience in making your own book! As established and renowned publishing and Imprintgruppe, R.G. Fischer Verlag and the edition fischer engaged for more than three decades, including making sure that new, still unknown authors in the German and international literature events can successfully gain a foothold. Using individually tailored and “targeted national and international advertising and marketing concepts, as well as dedicated and highly qualified advertising professionals it reaches the R.G. Fischer Publishing Group time and again, to true to place even literary novices in the first League of well-known media for 34 years, we make books successful our motto!” With a high-circulation and wide range including fiction, as well as damage to property or scientific books offers an extraordinary variety of interesting and varied reading the literature program of R.G.
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