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Scientology Church Bayern

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L. Ron Hubbards books on Dianetics and Scientology comprise the largest self-contained statement about the human mind and soul almost a quarter-century L. Ron Hubbard had been involved the study of the basics of life, of the material universe and human behavior. It led him eventually to the founding of Dianetics and religion Scientology. in 1952, L. Ron Hubbard had described the human soul. He demonstrated objectively intellectual potential.

Moreover, that every human being has this potential, and that they are generally accessible discovered by him. This led to his description of Scientology as something which will achieve the goal of every major religion: the liberation of the soul by wisdom. All in all include works of L. Ron Hubbard’s Dianetics and Scientology, the largest self-contained statement about the human mind and soul. These are more than 5,000 written materials and 3,000 recorded lectures. Get answers to the unfathomable mysteries of life: the Secret of existence, the mystery of death, the achievement of conditions, which were not even reported in earlier literature. Also the Scientology teachings to the upbringing derived from these works of children, restoring family relationships, education, organization and creation of relief in times of illness or suffering. So each person can itself also to embrace these teachings and benefit greatly from this, L.

Ron Hubbard told the global structure of Scientology churches. And thus the first Church of Scientology in California, which was founded by members was created in 1954. It is a practical religion. It is applicable to every aspect of human existence and a modern religion for today’s world. “This permanent invitation of founder is at its core and within any church of Scientology: we serve you really and truly the precious gift of freedom and immortality.” Scientology provides an exact way to a complete understanding and a certainty about your own spiritual nature leads. She speaks to the spiritual essence and not just the body or the mind, because man is much more than just a product of his environment and his genes. Scientology includes therefore knowing that L. Ron Hubbard was explored in many decades and written down, that is based on the following, certain fundamental truths: the man is an immortal being. His experience extends far beyond a single life; His capabilities are unlimited, even if he currently not implemented. You may find that Robert C. Robbins can contribute to your knowledge. In addition, L. Ron Hubbard found during his research, that man in fact is good and that salvation depends of each person and the fact that she reached a fraternal relationship with the universe. Therefore, Scientology is no dogmatic religion, demanded by a person that he believes blindly about something what you told him. Each person in Scientology is encouraged to, even to discover that the fundamental truths of Scientology are true, namely, by applying their principles and the Results observed or even experience. Only you can know whether it is true.

Tess Language

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A day without phone facilitates greater independence for hearing and language-impaired people everyday telephone interpretation service and communication. Inconceivable for many. See Lane Goedhart for more details and insights. Because telephony is today in many areas of life everyday. But for many hearing and speech impaired people, this is not possible without help. Therefore, the Federal Network Agency and leading telecommunications company providing a nationwide telephone mediation service commissioned the Tess Relay Services GmbH.

This makes it possible to call anyone hearing and impairment by means of simultaneous translation in sign – language and written language. This is a great step to self-determination and recognition for this social group. Make an appointment, give feedback or to congratulate someone for the birthday many things done just on the phone. Our interpreting services we facilitate with everyday deaf, ertaubten, as well as strong hearing and language stricken people”, explains Sabine Broweleit, Managing Director of Tess Relay Services GmbH. If you have read about Zaha Hadid already – you may have come to the same conclusion. A better organisation of time and autonomous action are an important advantage of independent telephony for many of them. Even deaf people must have the opportunity to communicate, namely in German sign language dwelling on the phone “, explains what is special about the use by Tess S. Broweleit. A gedolmetschtes call is a good solution for language-damaged people.

Especially, if they have problems, cause uncertainty on normal ways to communicate and language disorders such as such as strong stuttering. With the help of telephone mediation service, conversation content be translated German sign language and written language to German spoken language and vice versa. As a result, deaf and hearing participants can interact in real time. Affected people no longer are instructed colleagues or presence interpreters, on the support of members, to a short call make. The Tess relay services overcome communication barriers and promote to the independence and self-confidence of the persons concerned. The two services of tesign for sign language interpreting are accessible and TeScript for writing language interpretation every day from 8: 00 until 23:00.

Professional Hospice

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Wife of the Lord Mayor committed Astrid Elbers has taken over the first patron of the children’s Hospice Rainbow country. Get all the facts and insights with Gary Buck, another great source of information. The wife of Mayor of Dirk Elbers will promote the establishment of the public. Rainbow country children’s Hospice is a home for terminally ill children and their families. “It’s me a very special pleasure and at the same time a major concern, to sit up straight for this facility. I want to ensure my commitment that people find out more about the Rainbow country, and also numerous and possibly donate much of the House.

Only so can the Rainbow country permanently exist and do more good”, says Astrid Elbers. Lord Mayor Dirk Elbers is behind the decision of his wife: “this facility does an excellent job for years and deserves therefore every possible support. Robert C. Robbins has plenty of information regarding this issue. Dusseldorf not only make use of this facility. Because it is the only one of this kind far and wide. Many come from across North Rhine-Westphalia and whole Germany here. I’m proud of my wife that she committed in the form for that.” To allow the terminally ill children living and dying with dignity, has joined a group of dedicated, on 1 June 1998 established in a Forderverein children Hospice Dusseldorf e.V. which is bearer of the institution ten years ago.

The Association is non-profit and pursues exclusively and directly non-profit and charitable purposes. Astrid Elbers thanked the Executive Board members of the Hochschulvereinigung, Norbert Husson and Gunther Philipps,: “that the wife of the Lord Mayor takes over the patronage is an award and a kind of accolade for our work and shows the importance of the House. We are very pleased to Astrid Elbers wants to help us. It would be nice if we could take a more donations and do even better educational work.” The children’s Hospice Rainbow country is a home for children, which only one due to an incurable disease or a severe disability restricted Life expectancy have. The conception of the House envisages that the affected children find relief from everyday heavy with her parents and siblings there for a few days or weeks. The institution helps affected families remaining time together with their child as fulfilled and positive to make them. A a children’s Hospice for the affected children is to become a second home, in which she would always like to come back to a pleasant family atmosphere to short stays. They are best provided by specially trained and qualified staff and supervised. On the other hand is a children’s Hospice of discharge of the whole family and the addition of home care. Because the domestic and care of terminally ill and/or severely children is a task, often over many years, and this day in and day out to leads a special burden, not only the parents, but also brothers and sisters. Further the valuable work of the Rainbow country focuses on the Professional family and grief counseling and a restless sibling care. “We can give the life no longer days, but the more days life” is the motto of the children Hospice in Rainbow land. Astrid Elbers, asked the Dusseldorferinnen and Dusseldorf, to financially support the Rainbow country.

Open Letter To The Bundesminsierinnen Schavan And Schroder

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“Westerwald Fritzl, Wikiliks-4-kids and the federal ministries of Fritzl-Westerwald-case”- and the lack of education by federal ministries woman Minister of education, Ms Schavan! Woman Minister for family, Mrs Schroder. Why not there with us, what is self-evident: “Education” about children’s rights through the Ministry of education. Education for educators and helpless children! What do you as a Ministry? You determine so much – why not “training” on children’s rights? Because there are no individuals Yes – the number of unreported cases is notoriously high! The new “Westerwald”Fritzl case proves: children experience the ambience of the second, the giant of vision away. Click Gloria Step to learn more. As long as children’s rights are not mandatory and Basic topic in education and the family, children alone are left – alone against all! Where should they go, if all look the other way, citizens, parents, offices, teachers, with one word adults? Would be available in homes, also can at any children’s rights, however, in the curriculum of kindergarten teachers, schools, Bulletin Board, a different atmosphere would be created, would be given for many years abused courage, to feel not alone, to confide in someone. Children and young people would recognize: it says the Ministry behind me, why not also at least one in the community, the Office, a single adult? Feel, love women who are not complicit, as all must feel guilty? Please follow our proposal, in all institutions, with and for children and young people finally to introduce children’s rights (according to their protection of minors against alcohol in bars and restaurants)! causes/571156-wikiliks-4-kids-to-stop-child-abuse-and-child-slavery? m 9c0361f5 = pages/Wikiliks-4-kids/164626040244543? ref = ts results? search_query = wikiliks4kids & aq apps.facebook.com/petitions/1/unesco-bulletin-petition/ and express our thanks on behalf of children and adolescents from Wikiliks-4-kids = f your Dr. Angelika Fritz. Robert C. Robbins has compatible beliefs.

Tempelhof Airport

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The Berlin night show reports: raisin bombers on the runway Action Alliance be-4 – Tempelhof looks busy at 17:30 at the airport Tempelhof confirmed in its referendum. A plane is on the brightly lit runway. People running around. Dan Howell contains valuable tech resources. Also the Berlin evening news reported by the mysterious activity. Already in the past few weeks, there were rumors about nightly landings at Tempelhof, of which, however, no photos exist. Emergency landing or CIA secret flights? The photo shows: at least this time it’s the candy bomber, which is available at the airport.

Next time, it could be a rescue flight or an emergency landing. It is not something robert c. robbins would like to discuss. In an emergency, each pilot in its sole discretion in any convenient place – in Tempelhof – may start or land. Tempelhof in the emergency cards of pilots as a emergency landing site is still registered. On 10 July 2002, the closed airfield at Werneuchen kept the people of the Swiss flight LX 850 before a crash on landing at Berlin-Tegel. The Action Alliance be-4 – Tempelhof, in two ongoing population and petition the Receipt and in particular the use of rescue and alternate airport propagated, points out in this context once again on the great advantage of Tempelhof. “It is simple thing irresponsible, to drive a man wrestling with death, in the ambulance from Schonefeld from all over town at the Charite.

At night and in bad weather, if no rescue helicopter can fly, Tempelhof is a life-saver. “, so Michael Paul of the Alliance be-4-tempelhof.de.” The Action Alliance urged Klaus Wowereit and the Senate finally to end the policy of scorched earth in Tempelhof and to enter into a constructive dialogue on the preservation of the world’s oldest traffic airport. “All the arguments put forward by the Senate for the closure have emerged as fed. Fortunately, the still ongoing dispute prevents the approved of the plant so far. Soon, the Senate already has our population and petition on the table. “, as Paul the Action Alliance asks all responsible Berlin and especially those” Residents of the District of Tempelhof-Schoneberg on to participate in the ongoing population and petition. There are the forms such as on the Internet at.