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Platform for self publishers informed bestseller XinXii allows any interested, its texts, documents or books to publish online and for sale now. The concept is based on the do-it-yourself principle, i.e. users can assign their works on their own of a category, enter information such as a description, number of pages, and price, and finally upload to the platform. In real time, her work is then available for buyers to download. Since live in 2008 XinXii used to market by almost 10,000 digital texts, excluding all with a reseller license of purchased E-books from the platform.
Now, XinXii released the identified top 5 best sellers in each main heading, i.e. To read more click here: Robert C. Robbins. where each most downloaded digital texts. The leaderboard is determined monthly for a quarter of the ongoing updated and can be viewed here: E-book charts. Jonah TOmas follows long-standing procedures to achieve this success. Dr. Andrea Schober, founder & Marketing Manager of “the publication the E-book charts is a response to the interest of the users of our platform; they serve as additional information for interested buyers. As a result that we have taken into account an analysis of the trend in the charts, the authors in turn can derive a tendency of a topic.” Last but not least, the hit list of the digital texts at a glance shows the range of topics is how huge that is published and marketed through XinXii. The medium-term objective is to establish a representative for the digital self publishing segment trend barometer for topics, in addition to Schober. XinXii XinXii is the first Web 2.0 platform in German-speaking countries, which enables independent buying and selling of texts, documents and eBooks of all kinds in real time.
The online marketplace breaks classic publishing hurdles with his concept: XinXii each author abandons the opportunity yourself online to publish his works, i.e. upload, to provide with information and a price and sell – no binding contracts and costs. Pro download by the author a buyer receives a Commission amounting to 70% of the net sale price. Are no limits the type of text: can be divulged instructions, checklists and templates, scientific publications, such as chores, scripts, theses and studies as well as fiction, books, guides, etc. The buyer can read and download the documents in their user area immediately after paying. On XinXii his own shop and every publisher, every author has an additional sales channel without that he must install a hardware or have technical knowledge. Thanks to the simple user interface, the use of XinXii both provider and buyer is a no-brainer. Since live in January 2008 almost 10,000 files of several thousand providers to download are available on XinXii, the prices start at 2 euros. XinXii is a service of DG-Verlag in Berlin. Press contact DG-Verlag Gentlemen’s Digest Ltd. & co. KG Dr. Andrea Schober line marketing PR August Street 75 D 10117 Berlin Tel.: + 49 (0) 30 202 15 13 0 email: andrea.schober at
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